Nansenstraße 2
12047 Berlin
+49 (0)30-34081164
+49 (0)176 - 62899419
Psychological Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Systemic (Family-)Therapy and Counselling
- Reimbursement (Public Health Insurances) -
- Private Health Insurances - Private Clients -
Nansenstraße 2
12047 Berlin
+49 (0)30-34081164
+49 (0)176 - 62899419
Help in Berlin
In crisis (hotline): Berliner Krisendienst
Hotline - Support for women and children in cases of domestic violence: BIG Hotline
Rape Crisis and Counselling center: Lara
Specialist Counseling and Domestic Violence Intervention Center: Frauenraum, Tara
Psychological counseling, social counseling and legal advice for migrant women and women of color in different languages: Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum S.U.S.I.
Psychological Counseling in different languages: Stadtteil-Gesundheits-Zentrum Neukölln
Psychosocial counseling for women in English: Frieda Frauenzentrum
Career counseling for women in different languages: KOBRA
Counseling and legal advice for lesbian women in different languages: LesMigras and Lesbenberatungsstelle
Women-centred Psychotherapy
Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Girls and Women (APA, 2007)
Why therapists should talk politics (New York Times, 2016)
Critique of psychotherapy: Making the political personal: how psychology undermines feminist activism (Feminist Current, 2017)
Radical Feminist Therapy: Working in the Context of Violence - Bonnie Burstow (1992)
Frauentherapie-Handbuch - Helga Bilden (ed.) (1992)
Beyond Psychoppression: A Feminist Alternative Therapy - Betty McLellan (1995)
Women and Madness - Phyllis Chesler (1972)
Loving to Survive: Sexual Terror, Men's Violence and Women's Lives - Dee L.R. Graham (1994)